
子供たちの筋肉はまだ成長途上ですから、最初は上手くできなくても構いません。上達するまでには少し時間がかかるかもしれませんが、少しずつで良いので、上手く鉛筆を持てるようになるまで練習してくださいね。今後、文字を書く宿題がもっと出始めたときにとても役立ちますからね。  クリス

In many of the parent-teacher interviews, we talked about helping kids learn to sit down for longer periods of time by practicing at home. It looks like this is paying off. Many of our preschool students are sitting in chairs and their attention spans are growing. Thank you for your support!

These days, young learners might receive coloring homework. This is a good opportunity to help kids learn how to hold a pencil correctly. Here is a diagram to help. (see attachment above)

It’s okay if they struggle a bit at first–their muscles are still developing, so this is a goal that might take some time to master. Keep at it little by little until your child gets more comfortable with their grip. This will be very helpful when they start doing more writing practice in the future! 